AMS Faculty Continues To Train and Upgrade Its Staff

AMS faculty  continues to train and upgrade its staff

For the second consecutive week, the faculty of Applied Medical Sciences (AMS) continues to prepare its employees (educational supervisors, employees, and laboratory technicians) for the academic year 2020-2021 AD through the training course that was launched on October 14 and continues until October 27, by presenting a number of introductory lectures that contain the organizational structure of the college The role of the Quality Assurance Officer in the quality of the educational and administrative process in the faculty, the regulations followed in the conduct of studies and examinations for students studying in the faculty, and an introductory lecture on the system followed in the college regarding student research work using PubMed, G.Schooler, Mendeling.
During the session, the activities of the faculty\’s Student Activity Office and their role in helping students alleviate study pressures, make them more interactive, provide them with new skills, develop their mental and physical abilities, and support creative thinking.

On his part, Dr. Issam Al-Danaa, a lecture on how to prepare scientific research and academic writing. The Vice Dean of the College, Prof. Al-Naas forbade a lecture on (How to plan your business), which included the method of planning and arranging business. Dr. Rajaa Al-Fakhry an introductory lecture on the skills to be acquired in the performance of presentations targeting the educational supervisors in the faculty

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