General Requirements of the University

The Libyan International Medical University consists of general requirements that are a significant part of all of the bachelor’s degree programs it offers, and they are consistent with its strategy to enhance the educational process and reach its ultimate objective, which is to distinguish the university graduate in the labor market and to give university students from all disciplines a set of characteristics, knowledge, values, and attitudes.

Objectives of the University's General Requirements

  • Strengthening the student’s abilities and developing his personality through a variety of knowledge courses.
  • The improvement of language abilities.
  • Acquiring abilities in critical thinking.
  • Enhance your communication abilities.
  • Acquiring expertise in scientific research.
  • Enhance your professional ethics while developing your analytical and comprehension skills.
  • Encourage a lifetime of community involvement via volunteering.

Core Curriculum

The course seeks to enhance students’ capacities to notice and comprehend data, to reason, assess, and solve issues using logical approaches and critical thinking techniques, empowering them to handle confusing and difficult issues that initially appear to have no solution.

The goal of this course is to educate students to the techniques of scientific research, including its traits, stages, significance, academic and practical applications, and the techniques for utilizing reliable information sources and supporting documentation.

The Communication Skills course aims to familiarize the student with the fundamental theories and concepts in the area of human communication, develop fundamental skills in the area of effective communication with himself and others, and enhance their practice in his practical daily life using good methods, based on training and varied and effective evaluation, which contributes to the success of his practical and private life alike.

In order to aid in the student’s ability to make appropriate and accurate scientific decisions and carry out scientific research, the statistics course seeks to provide the student with the data analysis and information extraction skills.

This course explores the ideas of values and ethics connected to educational, cultural, and societal beliefs, as well as how these ideas relate to success in a variety of professional disciplines through actions that conform to those ideas.

The course focuses on enhancing the student’s Arabic language integrity and developing their reading, writing, and speaking skills.

The course seeks to develop the student’s proficiency in the English language, enabling them to follow study material in that language and enhancing their oral and auditory capabilities.

In order to raise awareness of the value of community involvement, volunteerism aims to instill the concepts of initiative and responsibility in the hearts of students, develop a culture of volunteer work at the university and in the community, and strengthen the relationship between the university and the authorities related to volunteer work.

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