Stories about Students, Faculties and innovation across the university
The New Campus
To accommodate its significant expansion and new programs, LIMU will build a state-of-the-art complex. The design will be inspired by Islamic heritage, reflecting its strengths and expressions. This large-scale project will create an integrated academic, research, and healthcare environment, supporting sustainability and future growth.

Why Choose LIMU?
The university is always looking towards leadership and excellence, through the implementation of educational programs that achieve the outcomes of international competitiveness.
Institutional accreditation
Alumni follow-up System
The university adopts the concept of lifelong learning, and thus the university is keen to maintain the relationship with the graduates by building various channels of communication, and meaningful interaction to serve the graduates.
Unique specialties
Learning and Teaching Methods
A place for learning, discovery, innovation, expression and discourse
Useful Links
Our Amazing People

Prof. Abdulla Mohammed Elmansoury
University Vice President for Leering Dean, Faculty of applied Medical Sciences

Prof. Al-Senussi Mohamed Al-Taher
University Vice President for academic affairs and post Graduate Dean of Dental Faculty

We will not abandon our responsibilities in developing higher education in Libya and producing knowledge and enhancing mechanisms of scientific research. We will not retreat from our initiatives and goals in building Libya, through the vision of Libya produced by LIMU, as a comprehensive civilizational project. Now, we are moving towards another shore, with LIMU and our graduates whom have competed with graduates from dozens of countries and surpassed them, passing the exams of prestigious universities in the world on the first attempt.
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Saad
University's president
What Happens On LIMU
We're linked together, see what happens on limu...
A documentary about the Libyan International University
Here is your bright academic future with scholarships for LIMU
Graduation Documentary batch 9 Faculty of Medicine
What People Say About LIMU

Discover Your Potential, Thrive at Our University!
Change Your Life
Start your new academic and career journey with us !