To further its community role and reinforce the educational mission it has championed since its founding, the Libyan International University aspires to drive positive change in common concepts and values. On this past Sunday, July 14th, 2024, the University’s National Unity Hall hosted Professor Dr. Ahtioush Faraj Ahtioush, Professor of General Surgery and Organ Transplantation, to introduce the nationwide campaign titled “Gift of Life.” This campaign aims to promote organ donation from both living and deceased donors, spearheaded by Libya’s General National Authority for Organ, Tissue, and Cell Transplantation.
The lecture drew the attendance of the University President, Dr. Mohamed Saad, along with faculty members and community representatives from Benghazi. The presentation elicited thoughtful engagement from the audience, enriching the discussion after the introduction to the General National Authority for Organ, Tissue, and Cell Transplantation. The lecture covered the following key topics:
The evolution of organ transplantation in Libya.
The concept of organ donation.
The importance of organ donation.