AMS Faculty Continues To Develop Its Clinical Laboratory Curriculum

AMS faculty continues to develop its clinical laboratory curriculum

The Curriculum Preparation and Development Committee for the Clinical Laboratories Program at the AMS held its weekly meeting during the past two days, headed by the faculty dean, Prof. Abdullah Al-Mansoori, in the presence of Prof. Adel Touati, and Dr. Rashad Shawky, Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program Coordinator, and faculty members participating in the program: Dr. Mohamed Hamza, d. Ahmed bin Hassouna, d. Ibtisam Al-Qazairi, Dr. Wael Al-Hawary, Dr. Afaf Al-Dinali, Dr. Hussein Hamed, Dr. Moataz Al-Hassi is a representative of the Curriculum Office.
The meeting dealt with several axes, the most important of which is confirming the readiness of the schedules and laboratories of the program and the admission requirements in line with the faculty’s admission requirements as well as the conditions for the admission of transferring from other faculties.

The meeting also discussed research, graduation projects, and updates in preparing student research in the academic year 2020-2021 AD.

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