BMS Faculty Second Year Students and Scientific Reporting Steps

BMS Faculty Second Year Students and Scientific Reporting Steps

A group of secondĀ  year students at BMS Faculty this morning gave a lecture entitled How to Search for Your Report to introduce the steps of scientific reporting by students:

(*) Arwa Omar Al-Hijazi (*) Ahmed Abdullah Bani (*) Ajnadine Merhi Ahmed (*) Astbar Salah Al-Mushiti

Under the direct supervision of Dr. Mohammed Hamza, faculty member, and sponserd by the Center for Research and consultation , and in the presence of The Dean of the FacultyĀ  Abdullah Al Mansouri and a number of faculty members and students of various faculties of the university.

The lecture (the third of its kind) addressed the Google scholar search engine for practical and academic literature needed by researchers and scholars, and enables them to search through many scientific fields and sources of information from accredited research, scientific letters, books, abstracts and articles published by academics, specialized associations, information gathering centers and other scientific research institutions.

The lecture also addressed the free search engine Pub med, which helps access the MEDLINE database for summaries of articles related to medical, nursing, pharmacy and health-related topics, as well as research on medical science topics such as biochemistry, cellular biology, and the U.S. National Medical Library database at u.S. Institutes of Health.

Finally, the lecture touched on Mendley, a desktop and internet program for managing and sharing research papers with research data discovery and online collaboration, combining two key features: dealing with PDF files and organizing and managing research references, which is available for various operating systems from Windows Mac and Linux.

This lecture is part of bms\’ policy to support research and educational activities, and to implement the annual training plan, which aims to develop and enhance the research and knowledge skills of the human staff of faculty, students, researchers and staff, and provide a leading educational research environment that enables access to skills, which can be utilized in different fields of scientific disciplines.

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