“Boukhatwa” Represents the University at the IBTIKAR Project Meeting

The Libyan International University actively participated in the IBTIKAR project meeting,
represented by Dr. Salma Boukhatwa, Vice Dean for Research and Consulting, on Thursday,
June 13, 2024. The meeting brought together project partners to discuss the fifth work package,
focusing on strengthening the research and innovation environment in Libyan higher education.
On Wednesday, June 19, 2024, the Libyan partners reconvened to finalize their discussions and
prepare the outcomes for presentation to their European counterparts.

The IBTIKAR project is an Erasmus+ initiative implemented in Libya under the supervision of
the European Commission and the Union of Mediterranean Universities. The project brings
together Bogazici University in Turkey, the University of Salento in Italy, the University of
Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro in Portugal, and the following Libyan universities: Tripoli
University, Benghazi University, Misurata University, Sebha University, Sirte University, Zawia
University, Al-Marqab University, Asmariya University, Bani Walid University, Ajdabiya University,
and the International University of Medical Sciences.

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