Clinical Skills Laboratory and Training For Students of The Faculty of Dentistry

Clinical skills laboratory and training for students of the faculty of Dentistry
This morning, the specialized team of the Clinical Skills Lab of the University trained the fourth-year students of the faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine (60 students) on some initial clinical skills, especially vital signs and how to measure pressure using a pressure-measuring device by a pressure device and learn and learn measurements Normal, high and low pressure, in addition to how to measure the temperature with a thermometer, how to monitor the heartbeat, find out the normal and high rates, and how to calculate the respiratory rate.

Today\’s training, as in all exercises, was taken into account to apply precautionary measures to combat the Corona pandemic (Covid-19), by reducing the number of students for each training session, and their commitment to wearing the muzzle, to ensure their safety and the safety of workers and dividing them into 6 groups, each group comprising 6 students.

The Clinical Skills Laboratory aims to train students of various medical faculties on basic skills, in all educational stages prior to the clinical stage, by using advanced dolls as fake patients and preparing scenarios for actual cases that simulate the real situation in hospitals.

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