A workshop was held about the higher education strategy at LIMU, in the presence of Dr. Mohammed Al-Dweib, a member of the Supreme Committee responsible for developing the national strategy for higher education and scientific research. The workshop was attended by representatives from public and private universities and individuals interested in higher education, including Mohammed bin Ali Al-Senussi University, Derna University, Ajdabiya University, and the Modern Benghazi University as a private university, in addition to faculty members interested in higher education.
The Supreme Committee for Developing the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research has been formed for some time, and among its members is the university president, Dr. Mohammed Saad. Professor Dr. Abdullah Al-Mansouri chaired the workshop session hosted by LIMU, by assignment from the university.
The representatives of the participating universities and faculty members interested in higher education presented remarks and suggestions. LIMU also provided valuable and distinctive remarks and suggestions. The suggestions of LIMU will contribute significantly to the development and improvement of the strategy.
Sessions will resume in the coming days to gather feedback and suggestions regarding the national strategy for higher education and scientific research, refine them, and formulate them in a way that contributes to improvement and enhancement. The revised strategy will be submitted to the Supreme Committee for review.
The Documentation and Information Management, led by Ms. Safaa, deserves thanks for their important role in recording the Libyan International University’s remarks and finalizing the document.