M.S.S Session For First-year Students at AMS Faculty 

The first-year students of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences (AMS), today, attended MSS Medical Scientific Skills sessions, in which they gave presentations on Tobacco Control with addresses chosen by the students themselves, in the presence of the faculty members, who evaluated the students ’performance based on Specific standards for presentations and feedback. It is worth noting that the M.S.S Course is an educational unit or course of 28 weeks to develop the skills of all college students in academic research and writing methods through different lessons to understand the different structures of academic literature.

These sessions also improve students\’ communication and presentation skills through various workshops, educational programs, and presentations given to students during the sessions and acquire a wide range of skills, including critical reading and data analysis on a range of global health issues.

MSS sessions develop students\’ skills in biostatistics that enable them to better understand data and enabling them to discuss and write data in the form of a short scientific report. Moreover, this course provides an opportunity to develop self-learning techniques.

It is noteworthy that students of the first three years studying medicine and students of the first two years studying medicine and oral and dental medicine receive their full education during these years in the faculty of Applied Medical Sciences.

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