The preliminary meetings for launching business process management at the Libyan International
Medicine University were kicked off with a meeting of the Center of Excellence for the management
processes, chaired by the President of the University and includes in its membership a some of the
university leaders, as well as an expert from the Business Process Management Project
The University President emphasized that the effort to the business-process-management-system as a
substitute for the functional management system represents a new challenge for the university. He
stated: “We are determined to take on this challenge, just as we have faced many challenges and
brought about radical changes in the methods of higher education and unprecedented learning methods
in this country.”
The -recently formed- Business Process Management Centers of Excellence will start to work hard and
persevere to accomplish this challenge, which will transfer the university from a university in the third
world region to the level of universities in the developed world. The President expressed his “trust in our
capabilities, Libyans are able to achieve and make a difference when they were in a positive stimulating
environment. Stressing that the university is such an environment” .
The preliminary meeting was punctuated with important comments from the attendees to deepen the
concept of this course of action, to provide all capabilities for its success, and expend efforts to change
the attitudes, to surpass the ordinary, and be committed to implement this system without stalling or