Student Noha Saleh Al-Qemati Passes The Training Courses Remotely And Obtains Accredited Certificates From International Bodies.

Noha Saleh Al-Qemati is a distinguished student at the faculty of Pharmacy, who in a short period of time can complete a number of training courses remotely and obtain accredited certificates from international bodies.

It is worth noting that Noha Al-Qemati is a third-year student at the faculty of Pharmacy, and her training on the foundations of Self-learning  within the college helped her to be able to complete these courses easily and in a short time even though she is currently busy studying remotely for the curricula of the twelfth educational unit for the current academic year.

Noha continues to attend interactive education sessions without delay and to submit the required weekly reports according to the deadlines set by the college administration, as well as perform weekly tests and provide answers to the weekly medical condition and other weekly activities for students of the third year of the faculty

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