The President of the University Council Change The Name of The Faculty of BMS to AMS

The President of the University Council, Prof. Muhammad Saad Decision No. 5 of 2020 AD to change the name of the faculty of Basic Medical Sciences (BMS) to the faculty of Applied Medical Sciences (AMS), based on what was presented by the Dean of the faculty, Prof. Abdullah Al-Mansoori (at the last meeting of the University Council) and what was recommended by the advisory committee regarding changing the name and the scientific reasons for that.

The faculty administration and its advisory committee had carried out extensive studies and serious and long work, within the project of modernizing the college’s programs to be a comprehensive faculty that contains many programs and contributes to providing the labor market with graduates who contribute to the development and progress of the country, which necessitated changing the name of the faculty to suit and keep pace with these updates and accommodate many disciplines.

It is worth noting that the faculty of Basic Medical Sciences has formed since its establishment in 2007 AD, and it has been and still is a solid foundation for the Libyan International University for Medical Sciences, and the basic basis for the launch of all its faculties and has always been at the forefront, gaining the confidence of the president and members of the University Council and has achieved success in all that was new in the application of learning strategies.

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