The University President Presents His Experience In Facing Challenges

The President of the University Council, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saad Embarak, participated during the past two days in a panel discussion that dealt with the challenges of higher education in Libya, as part of the International Conference on Higher Education Quality that was held at the University of Benghazi

The president of the university gave a presentation in which he dealt with the experience of the Libyan International University for Medical Sciences, in facing various  challenges and how it dealt with them, through its strategic plan, and its reliance on modern and advanced methods of learning, since its establishment in 2007 AD, which contributed to the uniqueness and distinction of the university, and levels It provides to its graduates a distinguished scientific and educational environment that encourages the creation, creativity, innovation, It provides a distinct scientific and educational environment that encourages the creation, creativity, and innovation, distancing itself from stereotypes, simulation, repetition, discarding indoctrination, and its keenness to provide education that rises to the level of scientific development and the quality of contemporary education in developed countries

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