About LIMU

President Message
A group of Libyan experts have taken this initiative in 2007 to contribute to the national scientific advancement and educational improvement that Libyan students deserve......
Message of the University's Website
A statement of the university’s educational, cognitive, and intellectual project, highlighting the unique values and ambitious ideas on which the university is founded, working to promote positive principles and noble ideals, strengthening partnership with society, and contributing to its advancement.
Explore LIMU

LIMU's anthem
Lyrics by: Al-Sadiq Al-Sousi

About LIMU
LIMU Management
Higher Management

Prof. Abdulla Mohammed Elmansoury
Vice President For Learning Affairs. Dean Faculty of Applied Medical Science.

Prof. Al-Senussi Mohamed Al-Taher
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs. Academic Operations Officer. Dean of the Faculty Dentistry.

Prof. Adel Ibrahim Touati
university president consultant for teaching and learning operations
University Strategic Direction

Origin and Evolution

Technical services and technologies

University Policies
More About Limu
The Libyan International University for Medical Sciences has adopted the application of the quality system in its comprehensive concept to achieve the principle of excellence and global leadership.
Problem-based learning is the centerpiece of the new and improved teaching and learning technique being implemented at the Libyan International Medical University.
The Libyan International Medical University consists of general requirements that are a significant part of all of the bachelor’s degree programs it offers