University Leadership

Prof. Mohamed Saad Ambarek
Libyan International University's president
Prof. Abdulla Mohammed Elmansoury
University Vice Dean For Learning Affairs Director of BMS Program
Prof. Al-Senussi Mohamed Al-Taher
University Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies
Prof. Adel Ibrahim Al-Touati
Dean of School of Medical and Health Sciences
Prof. Ali Saeed Al-Barghathi
Vice Dean for Community Service and Environment Affairs
Prof.Dr.Tawfig M. Tawill
Dean of School of Engineering and Technology, Director of IT administration
Prof. Dr. Salama Abdelkarim Boukhotta
Prof. Dr. Salma Abdelkarim Boukhtwa
Director of the Pharmacy Program
Prof. Dr. Jamal Ali Al-Talhi
Prof. Dr. Jamal Ali Al-Talhi
Director of the Medicine Program
Omar Al-Dinali
Prof.Dr. Omar Al-Dinali
Vice Dean of the School of Engineering and technology
Mr. Fathi Kurd
Vice Rector for Public Affairs
Mr. Abdel-Qader Al-Taeb
Head of Business process management.
Prof. Reida El-Oakely
Director of the Health Department
Dr. Mohamed Benseleem
Dean of School of Human and Social Sciences
Mr. Ahmed Al faitouri
Vice Dean of School of Human and Social Sciences
Dr.Rafik Alkowafi
Director of the Dentistry Program
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