When young people in this country are given a healthy environment and a positive
atmosphere, they are creative, innovative, and can indeed achieve excellence. This is
not a motivational statement, but rather a reality proven and solidified by the unique
achievements of the youth of this university, even on a global level.
Yesterday, we witnessed another example of this with the launch of the charity bazaar
for the benefit of the orphanage in Benghazi. The students of LIMU do not just show
compassion and empathy, but they translate them into an initiative that supports every
segment or institution that seeks support and assistance. It is not far from us what the
Student Union at this university accomplished during the holy month of Ramadan, with a
volunteer campaign for the benefit of the Blood and Tumors Department at the
Children’s Hospital. The campaign was indeed successful, and the value of the
donations was handed over to the representative of the charity campaign.
Good leads to good, good leads to joy, and good leads to happiness. Young people who
are driven by hope and optimism have created a unique bazaar with many participations
and positive initiatives that have embraced the idea and rushed to implement it. Their
hope is that the proceeds will be greater than they expect, so that this bazaar will be a
success and its benefits are shown.
Greetings to “Khalil” and his colleagues from the Student Union for their good work and
commitment to humanitarian initiatives. Greetings to those who brought books,
greetings to those who brought art, greetings to those who brought entertainment,
greetings to those who brought music, greetings to those who brought education,
greetings to those who brought food, and greetings to those who brought
encouragement and motivation. Their smiles precede them.